Firtikiadis L., Kyratsis P., Kakoulis K., Efkolidis N, (2025), "Computational product design and prototyping of customized sandals", Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, (accepted for publication)
Tzotzis A., Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Modeling the Strength-To-Mass ratio of the fused filament fabricated ABS polymer with ANN", International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Vol. 16(2), 10.54684/ijmmt.2024.16.2.7
Firtikiadis L., Tzotzis A., Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N, (2024), "RSM-based evaluation of the 3D-printed recycled-PETG tensile strength", Applied Mechanics, 5(4), 924-937;
Nazlidou I., Efkolidis N., Kakoulis K., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Innovative and Interactive Technologies in Creative Product Design Education: a review", Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 8(12), 107;
Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., García-Hernandez C., Kyratsis P. (2024), "Multivariate analysis of AISI-52100 steel machining: A combined finite element-artificial intelligence approach", International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 17(2), 99-116.
Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Drilling performance analysis of structural aluminum alloy using the Taguchi method", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 67(2S), 531-538.
Manavis A., Liokos T., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Holistic product design for the fur fabric industry: A brand-based approach", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 67(2S), 539-548.
Minaoglou P., Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Influence of the 3D printing fabrication parameters on the tensile properties of carbon-based composite filament", Applied Mechanics, 5(4), 745-761.
Manavis A., Minaoglou P., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Digital customization for product design and manufacturing: a case study within the furniture industry", Electronics, 13(13), 2483.
Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Kyratsis P., (2023), "Experimental investigations and Taguchi analysis on the drilling parameters of a structural aluminium", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, (accepted for publication)
Manavis A., Liokos T., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2023), "Holistic product design for the fur fabric industry: A brand-based approach", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, (accepted for publication)
Manavis A., Kakoulis K., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2022), "Brand identity for product design through computational design techniques", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, 65(4S), 1221-1228.
Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Kakoulis K., Kyratsis P., (2022), "RSM-based surface roughness modelling during AISI-H13 slot milling", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Engineering, 65(4S), 1417-1424.
Manavis A., Firtikiadis L., Spahiu T., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2022), "Parametric Architectural Design using shapes and structures", Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, 13(4), 13-20.
Efkolidis N., Markopoulos A., Karkalos N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Huertas-Talon J.L., Kyratsis P., (2019), "Optimizing models for sustainable drilling operations using genetic algorithm for the optimum ANN", Applied Artificial Intelligence, 33(10),
Velikis K., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Tzetzis D., (2019), "Design process and development of a prototype electric wheelchair", Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 17(2), 53-59.
Karkalos N., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Markopoulos A. (2019), "A comparative study between regression and neural networks for modeling Al8082-T6 Alloy drilling", Machines, 7(1), 13.
Manavis A., Sourris Th., Dimou E., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2019), "An inspired from nature design methodology for in store displays", Journal of Packaging Technology and Research
Efkolidis N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Huertas-Talon J.L., Kyratsis P., (2018), “Promote sustainability through product design process by involving the user” Environmental Engineering and Management Journal Vol. 18, No. 9.
Efkolidis N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Huertas-Talon J.L., Kyratsis P., (2018), 'Modelling and prediction of thrust force and torque in drilling operations of Al7075 using ANN and RSM Methodologies', Strojinski vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 64(6), 351-361. DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5188
Kyratsis P., Markopoulos A., Efkolidis N., Maliagkas V., Kakoulis K., (2018), 'Prediction of thrust force and cutting torque in drilling based on the response surface methodology', Machines, 6(2), 24.
Efkolidis N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Huertas-Talon J.L., Kyratsis P., (2017), 'Sustainability and distance learning: technical Universities sharing high cost resources', International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 33(5), pp. 1-8.
Garcia-Hernandez C., Gella-Marin R.M., Huertas-Talon J.L., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2015) 'WEDM manufacturing method for noncircular gears using CAD/CAM software', Journal of Mechanical Engineering-Strojniski vestnik, Vol. 62(2), pp. 137-144.
Efkolidis N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Kyratsis P., Huertas-Talon J.L., (2015), 'Design for Green Usability: A New User Centered Methodology for Product Development', Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 809-810 (Part 2), pp. 1372-1377.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Tsagaris A., (2015) 'Design for Skin and Shape: An Innovative Design Approach', Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 809-810 (Part 2), pp. 1311-1316.
Kyratsis P., Dimou E., Efkolidis N., Manavis Ath., (2014), 'Conceptual product design inspired from nature', Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 657, pp. 1026-1030.
Kyratsis P., Manavis Ath., Garcia-Hernandez C., Efkolidis N., (2014), 'Creative Design for Skin and Shape using advanced CAD systems', Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 657, pp. 1021-1025.
Efkolidis N., Kikis V., Mavroidis V., Kyratsis P., (2014), 'Design of local products as the key for sustainability', International Journal of Product Design, Vol. 5(2), pp. 115-124.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Athanasios Manavis Ath., Asimopoulos N., (2014), ‘The impact of green labeling to lifecycle thinking’, International Journal of Product Design, Vol. 5(1), pp. 43-53.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Manavis Ath., Peristeri St., (2013), 'Design for Skin and Shape in the packaging industry', Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 11(4), pp. 56-61.
Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Peristeri S., Kyratsis P., Asimopoulos N., (2013), 'Designing the visual identity of the Greek Goji Berry', The Cyprus Journal of Science, Vol. 11, pp. 129-141.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Tsagaris A., (2012), 'CAD based material selection for sustainable design', International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Vol. 1, No 8, pp. 54-59.
Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2012), 'Ecology Push: a novel methodology in product design', International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol. 2(2), pp. 89-94.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Sirganis K., Tsagaris A., (2012), 'The environmental friendly material selection using advanced CAD systems', Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 10(3), pp. 44-51.
Tsagaris A., Efkolidis N., Stampoulis K., Kyratsis P., (2012), 'Reverse engineering techniques integrated into robotic system for surface reconstruction', Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol 10(3), pp. 113-119.
Alexopoulos V., Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., (2011), 'Feta cheese packaging designs using advanced CAD/CAM systems', The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 49-57.
Published As Chapters in Books
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N. and Davim J.P. (eds), Advances in Product Design Engineering, Management and Industrial Engineering book series,
Spahiu T., Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2021), "3D printing for fashion related products", Chapter 2 included in the book by Andrzej Wrobel and Marek Wylezol (eds) Selected Applications of Additive Technologies, ISBN 978-83-60759-28-8.