Ligka P., Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Manufacturing computationally designed wearables via 3D printing", Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy - IManEE2024, Materials Research Proceedings 46 (2024) 35-40
Tziarou A., Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "STOP MOTION as a tool to present, promote and communicate product design", International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design 2024 (GRID 2024), Novi Sad, Serbia.
Minaoglou P., Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Customizing the garment design using computational design and 3D printing technologies: A case study", VII International scientific conference, Contemporary trends and innovations in the textile industry, 19-20th September, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.
Ligka P., Efkolidis N., Manavis A. Kyratsis P., (2024), "Combining computational design and biomimetics: a case study", VII International scientific conference, Contemporary trends and innovations in the textile industry, 19-20th September, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tzotzis A., Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Design of additively-manufactured and modularized low-cost USV for safety purposes", 2nd International Conference on Machines and Applications, 18-20 June 2024. Minaoglou P., Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2024), "Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the shoe design process", 2nd International Conference on Machines and Applications, 18-20 June 2024.
Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Kakoulis K., Kyratsis P., (2022), "THE “DO-IT-YOURSELF (DIY)” BRAND DESIGN STRATEGY THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN TOOLS" International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design 2022 (GRID 2022), Novi Sad, Serbia. doi:
Manavis A., Minaoglou P., Firtikiadis L., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2022), "Computational customized shoe-sole design: a branding-based approach", V International Conference "Contemporary Trends and Innovations in the Textile Industry (CT&ITI 2022), Serbia.
Efkolidis N., Sakellariou K, Kafasis P., Minaoglou P., Kyratsis P., (2022), "CIRCULAR UTILIZATION OF POST-CONSUMER PLASTIC WASTE VIA 3D PRINTING – A PRELIMINARY STUDY", Sustainable Solutions at Times of Transition (SuST), July 2022, Greece.
Tzotzis A., Efkolidis N., Tzetzis D., Kyratsis P. (2022), "FEM-based investigation on machining forces and temperatures induced during AISI-4140 hard turning", IManEE 2021, Romania.
Lazaros Firtkiadis, Prodromos Minaoglou, Athanasios Manavis, Kyriaki Aidinli, Nikolaos Efkolidis (2022), "CIRCULAR ECONOMY THROUGH CUSTOMISED 3D PRINTED PRODUCTS:A CASE OF SOUVENIR" International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design 2022 (GRID 2022), Novi Sad, Serbia. doi:
Efkolidis N., Minaoglou P., Aidinli K., Kyratsis P., (2020), "Computational design used for jewelry", International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design 2020 (GRID 2020), Novi Sad, Serbia.
Manavis A., Minaoglou P., Tzetzis D., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2020), "Computational design technologies for interior designers: a case study", Computing and Solutions in Manufacturing Engineeeirng (COSME 2020), Brasov, Romania.
Manavis A., Minaoglou P., Aidinli K., Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., (2020), "CAD based design for the jewellery industry: A case study" Computing and Solutions in Manufacturing Engineeeirng (COSME 2020), Brasov, Romania.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Ghiculescu D., Kakoulis K., "Using artificial neural network model for the prediction of thrust force and torque in drilling operation of Al7075" 22th International Conference on Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy (IManEE 2018), Romania, 2018.
Garcia-Hernandez C., Martinez-Angulo A., Efkolidis N., Ubieto-Artur P., Huertas-Talon J.L., Kyratsis P. “Applying high speed video to optimize the performance of milling tools” International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing JCM 2018, Cartagena, Spain.
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Kakoulis K. "Modeling drilling experiments on Al7075 using the response surface methodology", 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Structures - AMS18, Timisoara, Romania, 2018.
Tzintzi V., Manavis A., Efkolidis N., Dimopoulos C., Kakoulis K., Kyratsis P., "Conceptual design of jewellery: a space-based aesthetic approach", 21th Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy Conference (IManEE 2017), Romania, 2017.
Efkolidis N., Garcia-Hernandez C., Kyratsis P., Huertas-Talon J.L. "Promoting sustainable prinsiples through user education", 6th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC 2015), Barcelona, Spain, 2015
Efkolidis N., Manavis A., Sirganis K., Kyratsis P. "Sustainable product design of domestic products", 1st International Conference on Applied Innovation: Problems and perspectives of innovative entrepreneurship in Greece within the international environment, Arta, Greece, 2013.
Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Tsagaris A., Kaleas G., Mexi E., Simeli I. "Packaging and labeling design for touristic promotion of Greek products", 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management International Conference, Corfu, Greece, 2012.
Efkolidis N., Psichogiou G., Tsioka A., Kyratsis P. "CAD based product design and green logistics", 2nd Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains (ICSC 2012), Katerini, Greece, 2012.
Efkolidis,N.,Kyratsis,P.,TheoharidisS.,TsagarisA. “Product Design for Sustainability Using Advanced Cad Systems” 2nd International Exergy, Life Cycle Assesment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS 2011), Nisyros, Greece, 2011.
Efkolidis, N., Kyratsis, P., Dinopoulou., (2010), “The influence of product Eco-design on Logistics”, 1st Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains (ICSC 2010), Katerini, Greece.
Efkolidis, N., Kyratsis, P., Dinopoulou, V., Asimopoulos, N., “Conceptual design with emphasis on the social impact of sustainability principles”, 11th International Design Conference (DESIGN 2010), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2010.
Efkolidis, N., Kyratsis, P., Dinopoulou, V., “Ecology Push: Achieving sustainable development via product design”, 1st International Exergy, Life Cycle Assesment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS 2009), Nisyros, Greece, 2009.
1. K. Xera, N. Efkolidis, A. Manavis, P. Kyratsis. (2018), “Design of local products for tourism promotion”. 1st Panhellenic Conference and 2nd Summer Workshop in Graphic Arts Science and Technology. July 1-8, Ioannina 2018.
2. Papadimitriou, E. Meksi, N. Efkolidis, Dr. P. Kyratsis, (2012), 'Animated Character Design Using Free Software' FOSSCOMM Serres 2012.
3. P. Iosifidou, E. Mexi, N. Efkolidis, Dr. P. Kyratsis, (2012), 'Automotive Design with the Help of Open Source Software' FOSSCOMM Serres 2012.
4. Michael E., Pitsouni S., Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., "Design and Development of Innovative Greek Coffee Packaging", 3rd NATIONAL CONFERENCE "Contemporary Food Safety and Quality Concepts: The Convergence of Sciences 4-6" Hotel MAKEDONIA PALACE.Thessaloniki
5. Petroliagis I., Efkolidis N., Fragoulis G., Kyratsis P., (2011), 'Design and Development of Illustrated Stories Using Free photo Editor Software', FOSSCOMM Patra 2011.
1. The importance of Industrial design in product packaging design". Hosted by All Pack Hellas - Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials - Helexpo (Detrop). March 2011 Helexpo Thessaloniki.
2. “Green Packaging Design - Tools and Methodologies” 2nd Package and Label Design Symposium, All Pack Hellas. Association of the Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials. December 2011 National Research Foundation, Athens.
3. Product design meets the Mechanical Engineer, University of Cyprus, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Nicosia, November 2015.
4. Highlighting the social aspect of sustainable design. ECOCITY FORUM 2018 “Circular Economy in Smart Cities”. Thessaloniki 3 - 5 October 2018, with the scientific support of Aristotle University of tThessaloniki .